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Advanced Call Flow - Call Flow Variables

Call Flow Variables - Powerful Tool for Advanced Needs.

Anveo is a very powerful, flexible and yet easy to use communication platform for Voice and Data integration.
One of the major elements of advanced Call Flow is the Call Flow Variable.
Build intelligence into your business voice applications and let your Call Flows work with your business and caller centric data. Call Flow Variables enable you to perform various business tasks right within your Call Flow. Validate keypad entries; relate data back to the caller; dynamically control call flow based on specific data values and more.
How Anveo Can Help / Business Case Example
Situation: You want your calling customers to be able to enter their account number and automatically hear their account balance. Additionally, you want to present the caller with different options, based on the account balance.

Solution: Add Anveo Call Flow Variables into your Call Flow. Variables can store the entered account number and the account balance and be used to communicate balance related options.

Call flow below uses call flow variables to store account number and account balance.
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