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Anveo API - Real Business Applications by Our Customers

Automated Phone Order Confirmation/Verification
Fraudulent orders and credit card transactions are hurting businesses around the world. To reduce fraud, many of our clients are implementing automated phone order verification/confirmation processes. The generic business concept behind such processes is that before an order can be accepted and processed it has to be confirmed with the customer over the phone. Implementing this process manually is very inefficient and thus many businesses choose to automate it

The example we're sharing below is a real-life implementation submitted by an Anveo customer. It is just one of many ways our customers have automated the order verification/confirmation process using Anveo API and Anveo IVR Call Flow engine.
The Anveo customer had the following online order business flow:

    1. The customer placing an order online is asked to provide a phone number for order confirmation.
    2. The customer is shown a verification/confirmation code on their screen and then receives an automated phone call.
    3. The customer is asked to enter the verification code shown on the screen.
    4. After entering the correct code, the customer is asked to state his/her first and last name while the customer's voice is recorded.
    5. The recording is stored for later use (e.g. for order dispute resolution).
    6. After the customer successfully completes this order verification/confirmation step, the order is accepted and can be processed.
The Anveo customer explains their implementation below.
    Our shopping cart checkout process was modified to include additional steps as well as the Anveo API integration code. A Call Flow was configured to implement phone order verification. (See picture below.)

    On the web server, a custom URL application was created to receive HTTP requests from the Call Flow.
    During the checkout process we collect the customer's phone number.

    Our checkout application initiates Anveo's DIAL.CALLFLOW API Request to automatically call the customer at the specified phone number and to initiate the Phone Order Verification Call Flow. As part of the API request we submit two variables, ORDERID and VALIDCODE, used to identify the order and to validate the verification code respectively.

    Call Flow handles customer call interaction and initiates HTTP integration to communicate SUCCSESS or FAILURE status to the web server. Customer's voice recording is sent via email for later retrieval.

    If customer fails after 3 attempts to enter a valid code, he/she is transferred to our customer support line to resolve the issue manually.

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